The Invincible | Date Reveal Trailer

The Invincible | Date Reveal Trailer

Add The Invincible to your wishlist: Steam - https://re.11bits.com/ppu Epic Games Store - https://store.epicgames.com/pl/p/the-invincible GOG.com - https://www.gog.com/game/the_invincible Xbox Store - https://www.xbox.com/pl-pl/games/store/the-invincible/9n19rm08ql3k PS Store - https://store.playstation.com/pl-pl/concept/10002666 The Invincible puts players in the role of Yasna, a sharp-tongued astrobiologist forced to search for her crew and bring them back “dead or alive” as a perilous mission to the eerie planet Regis III takes an awry turn. On the surface, it may seem that Regis III is uninhabited but that doesn't mean the people who visit here can feel like unopposed rulers. The philosophical nature of the events on Regis III will make Yasna forever question the scale of humankind's ambitions.

Videoquelle: 11 Bit Studios | Auch interessant: Baldur's Gate 3 Komplettlösung


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