Botany Manor - Release Window Announcement | PC, Xbox, Switch

Botany Manor - Release Window Announcement | PC, Xbox, Switch

Botany Manor is coming to PC, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox — available day one with Xbox Game Pass — Spring 2024! The enduring estate of Botany Manor is home to retired botanist Arabella Greene. After a long career, she has amassed a collection of rare, long-forgotten plants that require some research to help them live again. Play as Arabella and explore the stunning historic manor and its grounds to look for clues in her notes, books, posters, and items scattered around the residence to determine the correct set of circumstances to help the flora flourish. Unlock new seeds and plant them. Interactable items around the property that can be turned and flipped will provide information to help you solve each gardening puzzle, grow the plants, and discover their mysterious qualities. To keep your botanical research up to date, be sure to follow Botany Manor on: TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: Official website:

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